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Hully Gully

LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta
  • LetsGoRides - Hully Gully, 
Motorized reproduction of the fairground attraction "Hully Gully" made with Lego bricks. Transporta


Motorisierte Reproduktion der Messegelände "Hully Gully" mit Lego-Steinen. Transportfähig auf 3 Anhänger.


Lieferung zu Ihnen nach Hause von %MINIMAL_DATE%

290,83 €
Preis ab 225,00 €

  • Sichere Bezahlung Sichere Bezahlung
  • Garantierte Lieferung Garantierte Lieferung


  • Komplettes Karussell (24 Gondeln im Kreislauf und werden von einem autonomen Rotor angehoben)
  • Auschecken
  • Transport LKW
  • CD-Rom mit Installations- und Transportanweisungen (.pdf) sowie Dekoren im .jpg-Format
  • Individuell bedruckte Dekorationen auf hochwertigem Fotopapier

Optional (komplettes motorisiertes Kit):

  • 2 Motoren, Batteriekasten
  • 8-fach Infrarotfernbedienung, Infrarotempfänger

Alter: 12+


Technische Daten

Breite (cm)
Tiefe (cm)
Höhe (cm)
Gewicht (Kg)
Anzahl der Steine
Menge Ziegel
2000 - 3000
Anzahl der Motoren
8 Geschwindigkeiten Fernbedienung



Liste der benötigten Steine

Download (1.99MB)


Wie sehen die Anweisungen aus?

Download (5.38MB)

Rated 4.75 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 4 customer reviews
Verifizierter Kauf

Muy bien

Fantastic recreation

This model seems to work really smoothly and entirely controlled my motors. The base plates really fits the model and there are 24 seats to put a lot of mini-figures on the ride. I really want to get it I hope it comes back in stock soon.

Verifizierter Kauf


I love this model… It is amazing… The quality was great… The gears were kind of challenging.. but I got it to work ..thank you I love it

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